Emily Cheung CEO and Founder of Shake to Win: Interview with TVB Channel

As a founder of STW, Emily Cheung has traveled in more than 200 cities and over 52 countries from the past ten years. Thanks to her background as a data analyst she is able to see the changes in how people traveled. She values a lot of culture and understanding of the world culture by visiting all those museums, history sites, nature sites, and listen to those local family-run businesses, and it inspired me to start building the platform and encourage more youth to see the world in cultural perspectives.
As a vivid traveler and entrepreneur, Emily.T.Y Cheung shares her ideas on how she sees the future of travel on a recent TVB Channel Interview
Sustainable Tourism
Sustainable tourism is the concept of visiting somewhere as a tourist and trying to make a positive impact on the environment, society, and economy. Tourism can involve primary transportation to the general location, local transportation, accommodations, entertainment, recreation, nourishment, and shopping. The main idea is to support businesses that have the most authentic traits of a culture ingrained in their services, like Mac bike, bike rental shop form Amsterdam for more than 50 years. Key partners are also nature-related experiences like Vendent from Spain that have the best experiences with nature in the whole of Spain. Emily Cheung sees in the future people more concerned about the world. This will make a change in consumer behavior where costumers will demand more green products and expertise.

Cultural Tourism:
Cultural tourism is the subset of tourism concerned with a traveler’s engagement with a country or region’s culture, specifically the lifestyle of the people in those geographical areas, the history of those people, their art, architecture, religion, and other elements that helped shape their way of life, as explained in Wikipedia. Partners like Maritime museum, Royal Concert Hall, and tour de Bonton are all key spots to the cultural experiences of Amsterdam. These partners have opened their doors to the Chinese market, with shake to win, which has allowed them to get more appreciation from our Chinese Independent tourists.

Authentic Local Businesses
Local people run businesses are also of great value to travel experiences and connecting with a culture. These businesses are carrying on their character and they focus on providing the most authentic local value, and STW will do the most challenging work to connect them to the market. Partners like Aufschnitt ini Berlin with their unique designed sausage pillows, Restaurante Mariquilla, in Granda with their authentic Spanish dishes or Bhutan Soul Tour and Travel with their best experience to Bhutan have all seen the benefits of connecting with a the Chinese market.

From the TV program, Emily visited one of the landmarks in HK – PMQ. PMQ, is a historic site containing a grade III listed building, the old Hollywood Road Police Married Quarters, now used as a mixed-use venue for arts and design, in Hong Kong, between Aberdeen Street, Staunton Street, Hollywood Road, and Shing Wong Street. Emily appreciated one of the designer products telling the Chinese knots stories in her design.

Cheung is able to recognize the future of the designer brands in the growing consumer market. STW also would love to help the independent designer brands to enter China step by step, as recently signed with UNFOLD global to be their exclusive go-to-market partners to promote the artsy and sustainable lifestyle with a product offering in STW eco-system, more details to follow.

If you are also interested in talking to us and enter the China market as a designer brand, sign up for EU89 and get a chance to build your first visibility with our expertise.