Entering China Market in the Current Global Climate, Mistake or Opportunity?

History lessons teach us that for as long as there have been civilized humans, China has existed. It’s hard to say how old Chinese culture is, but it is one of the earliest that still has a presence in the modern world. With its roots in legends from the 2100 B.C., the land of the East has shown an incredible evolution, adapting to different scenarios in time to achieve a coveted spot as one of the most powerful economies in the world. The economy of China has enjoyed 30 years of explosive growth fueled by the government acquiring critical industries within the country and the investment in strategically important sectors, showing that the ownership of China allowed the state to direct companies to high-priority projects.
China is one of the Three Exporters of the world’s total production of goods. Sharing the top with the United States and the European Union, and it is arguably the most prominent manufacturer and industrial producer as it sells more manufacturing goods than any other country in the world.
For instance, China has nearly 44,000 companies in the production of materials and accessories for the fashion industry, among these: 21,000 companies focus on textile manufacturing, 15,000 companies focus on apparel and accessories, and 8,000 companies manufacture leather goods and footwear. Many international organizations come to China to fabricate their products, and the country also specializes in electrical machinery, automobile parts and components, engineering devices, and furniture. In an article published by Sourcify: “You can get almost anything made in the city of Shenzhen, China, which is considered the epicenter of manufacturing in Asia due to the growing hub of highly accessible manufacturers and service providers. The Amazon FBA logistics companies are also based here”.
We at Shake to Win developed a library of articles that can better help our readers and followers to understand the reach of the country and its way to do business:
The art of communication (https://www.shaketowin.net/the-art-of-communication-chinese-digital-landscapes-main-complexity-for-foreign-businesses/) was written to show a brief evolution of the Chinese language, from its origins as one of the oldest in the world to the Mandarin language that the country speaks today, and how the use of pictographs has trickled down to the newest digital forms of communications.

In Five Creative Ways to Promote On-Line (https://www.shaketowin.net/5-creative-ways-to-promote-online/) we show readers how Chinese audiences migrated to the digital landscape, creating a niche market for companies that want to offer products and services within the virtual space.
With Buildings of the Future (https://www.shaketowin.net/buildings-of-the-future/), we map down cities that are currently living in ages ahead of our time, and how technology is being used in these cities in benefit to the citizens and to improve the quality of their lives

In Shake to Win Launches Global Platform to Promote Cultural Exchange (https://www.shaketowin.net/press-release-shake-to-win-launches-global-platform-to-promote-cultural-exchange/), we write about our technological solution to help ease the trade of cultural experiences and the ways to make businesses within the framework of international tourism, and how organizations have a tool in our ecosystem to attract Chinese Independent Travelers.

In Digital Activities in China (https://www.shaketowin.net/digital-activities-in-china/), we explain why the country is considered to be the new Silicon Valley of the East and why companies and organizations should be educated in the ways to enter the market of Chinese apps.

In the feature press note https://www.shaketowin.net/tvb-news-hong-kong-feature-shake-to-win-founder-emily-cheung/ our founder, a CEO, Emily Cheung, was interviewed as an example of success in the new wave of Entrepreneurs Excelling in China.
In a recent article published by the BBC, China appears on top of the Ten Leading Economies of the World in 2050; this will be reached thanks to the continuous efforts of the country to bypass difficulties. In the face of economic turmoil that will affect the globe, we at Shake to Win continue our research and development process to bring our readers and follower information about the latest trends in how to make business in an ever-changing market. With this small selection of articles in our library, we wish we can provide some creative ideas to face challenging times as China has done in history.